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Alain Giger Magnétiseur Guérisseur et Coach

General progress of a session and
effectiveness of treatments

After getting to know each other, the patient remains comfortably seated in his chair and relaxes (remote video treatment too).

While during the discussion I will give very effective advice for regaining health, during the energy treatment I will re-harmonize all the energies circulating within and near the body. I actually feel the vibratory movements of the particles, of the magnetism that make up each person.

There is almost no touch during the treatment even in the presence, in fact the energy has no limit and it circulates just as well throughout the earth and throughout the universe as in the body (imagine wifi which goes through all the walls). So it is easy for me to feel what is happening in the unconscious of the people I treat (their unconscious is conscious for me).

The improvements are notable or even complete from the first session which lasts a total of approximately 1 hour.

Energy harmonization most often lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. It helps in the solution of any illness and injury.

Thus during a session each patient receives:


Advice & repair treatments.


Re-balancing, harmonization and revitalization of central and peripheral energy flows, organs and cells.

Energy cleaning of memories.


Acts as a repair and rejuvenation cure.


Partial or total reduction of physical, emotional, mental problems.


Joint and muscle problems, inflammation.

Digestive, nervous, cardiac, respiratory, hormonal difficulties. Skin, sight and hearing diseases.


Shock and emotional disturbances, blockages, loss of confidence, addictions, weight, hair loss. Tensions, stress, fears, fears, anxieties, anxiety, depression, depression, burnout, tocs, tics. Fatigue, insomnia, loss of energy.


Karmic, hereditary, sexual, pregnancy problems.


Possessions, curses and many other troubles.



Body message (message perception of body ailments)

At the end of the session I inform the person of the major problems and blockages that I have resolved.

The effectiveness of treatments in presence or remotely

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Although nothing replaces a physical meeting, whether in person or remotely the effectiveness is very similar. To find out more, you will find more than 50 testimonials online as well as more than 50 information videos on YouTube.

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